
Love Your Work: Make Your Job Your Hobby

If your work involves something you’re passionate about you are a lucky person, particularly as it can bring enjoyment to your working life. Unfortunately, a lot of people have to put up with employment that does not satisfy them, and this makes going to work each day something they must do to pay those bills. If your life is going

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Should you change jobs?

Unless you’re retiring soon, the answer should always be yes. If you’re not considering a job change to move your career forward, you’ll start losing ground at some point. Picking the right time to change jobs is everything, so swap the word ‘yes’ for ‘potentially’ and you’re in charge, ready to switch jobs when the right moment comes. “Action this

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Dispatches from the wxrld’s health jxbs platfxrm: 002 [we will all learn the same]

When i consider the educational qualifications of the thousands of people that pass through; one is immediately struck by the increasingly centralized way in which healthcare degrees are generating a single global health reality. The universal ‘truth’ of what is a red blood cell, raises intriguing questions if you really think about it. You might be able to say a red

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I Resolve To…Manage Expectations of Myself and Others

Have you ever had one of those days when you just couldn’t seem to get anything done, despite your best intentions? Unless you’re a superhuman with impeccable initiative and an inability to be distracted by cute cate videos, you probably know what we’re talking about. Whether its the myriad of work piling up on your desk, a host of small

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Dispatches from the wxrld’s health jxbs platfxrm: 001

Through, i help thousands of people find healthcare opportunities across the globe. The clue’s in the platform’s title really. i’m now going to share periodical dispatches from these trenches of recruitment into healthcare around the world. Margaret Fuller said it best — “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” i hope these thoughts and stories help

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How to know when it’s the right time to change career

How to know when it’s the right time to change career Drop us a line, or talk to someone you trust about any career concerns, plan ahead and research  to be sure you make the right move It appears we’re more fickle about our jobs compared with previous generations: most of us will change jobs at least nine times during our

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